
Currently, I am working as an undergraduate researcher at the Fung Group at School of CSE at Georgia Tech, supervised by Dr. Victor Fung.

I have also worked as an undergraduate researcher at the Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science, Utrecht University, supervised by  Dr. Nongnuch Artrith.

Before this, I spent a year at the department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Utah, supervised by Dr. Taylor D. Sparks, where I worked on deep geometrical learning for predicting the properties of inorganic materials in a data-efficient manner.  

I have also worked with Dr. Ram Sarkar at the Computer Science & Engineering Department, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India on deep learning. Primarily the work involved solving practical problems and increasing the effectiveness of existing algorithms, working on the underlying mathematical concepts to optimize graph deep learning models using neighborhood correlation factors. 

I have also worked as a Business technology solutions associate at ZS Associates, India in the Big Data Pod on developing Graph Neural networks and knowledge graphs for critical business solutions.

At this moment, I am a final year undergraduate student at the department of Metallurgical and Material Engineering, Jadavpur University. 

Research Interests: 

My interest lies in Materials Science  Machine Learning. On the applied side, I am interested in developing novel computational methods for automating the discovery of new materials, molecules, and drugs. I want to work on the interface between machine learning and atomistic simulations, exploring the use of data science for developing materials and molecules utilizing physics and chemistry-based methods. On the fundamental side, I am interested in understanding how machine learning can be used effectively for science with maximum data efficiency to surpass existing traditional computational methods. 


Dec 2022 : Organizing  All India IEEE Computer Society Student & Young Professional Congress 2022, India's largest CS congress for students and  young professionals

Aug 2022 : Organizing "hello'-IEEE, Northeatern India's biggest technological networking event.  
